What is Enabling Good Lives?

In 2011, members of the disability community developed the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach with the intent of increasing choice and control for disabled people and their families.

The EGL approach is a foundation and framework to guide positive change for disabled people, families, communities and governance structures. The EGL approach has eight core principles, a vision and key components to guide positive change.


The vision and eight principles are based on respect towards disabled people and their families culminating in trusting disabled people and their families to be decision-makers in their own lives and to govern the resources used for their support. EGL holds that disabled people and families can bring about positive change when they have: control over resources (e.g. personal budgets with options of how these are managed), access to an independent ally, access to resources to build regional and national leadership and investment in disabled people, families and their communities.

Page Overview: About Enabling Good Lives. Enabling Good Lives (EGL) is a new approach to supporting disabled people that offers greater choice and control over the supports they receive, so that they can plan for the lives they want.