Enabling Good Lives Team at the Te Piringa Hui Taumata Posted by Posted by Loren Savage on 9 September 2015 Posted on: 9 September 2015

Posted by Loren Savage

Posted on: 9 September 2015

Mount Taupiri

Bella Martin, Kate Cosgriff and I had the privilege to attend the two day Te Piringa Hui Taumata held at the Waikato –Tainui College for Research & Development Hopuhopu, Ngaruawahia. 

The College was an idyllic setting for the Hui, not only modern in its faculty to cater a Hui of this size but the glorious vista of maunga Taupiri, Waikato awa and Tainui turangawaewae. 

The Hui highlights were many, from the diligent hosting of Te Piringa Roopu, to speakers passionate about their mahi.  This may have been in Health, Education or Housing. Eric Matthews, a young gentleman who has a hearing impairment presented the wero on what should be done to support Rangatahi with a hearing impairment in our education system.  We learnt that in the past, our education facilities did not provide to this community support to learn about Te Ao Māori.  This take was presented to the Minister of Disability Issues, Nicky Wagner on the second day.  In the evening we were beautifully entertained by Rodney Bell and his co-dancer Ana.

On the second day Enabling Good Lives presented.  A line up of us on the stage, from Connectors, a Co-Director, the Enabling Good Lives Evaluator and members of the Waikato Leadership Group.  Maliah opened the presentation with a pictorial demonstration of the principles of Enabling Good Lives Waikato.  Kate spoke on the demonstration development and our current situation.  Feedback from others at the Hui throughout the two days was of good interest in the demonstration. 

Our entertainment on the last day was a kapahaka roopu of kaumatua, which for many of us brought back memories and pride of importance for our kaumatua in whanau.  To end the day, we had a resounding korero from Merepeka Raukawa- Tait on Whanau Ora’s commitment to Disabled whanau.  Nicky Wagner, Minister of Disability Issues, ended congratulating Te Piringa on the good work they have done over the year and announced her commitment to supporting them.

Once again, thank you for the privilege to attend the Hui, much has been learnt and much has been shared over the two days. 

Connections for the future of Enabling Good Lives Waikato. 

Mauri ora,


Maria Johnson

Enabling Good Lives Waikato Tūhono/Connector  




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