Kaitūhono Guides

The purpose of these resources are to assist individuals and organisations to be equipped with a coherent and consistent approach to Kaitūhono/Connector practice.

The purpose of these resources are to assist individuals and organisations to be equipped with a coherent and consistent approach to Kaitūhono/Connector practice.  The Kaitūhono/Connector role and function is the current name used for people who are the “independent ally” described in the 2012/13 Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach.

Information contained within the Guides was gathered from June 2021 – December 2021 and was gathered from EGL Governance and Leadership Groups, disabled people, tāngata whaikaha, whānau and family along with the evaluation findings from existing Enabling Good Lives sites.

The team overseeing this project included senior EGL practitioners and disabled leaders including Māori and Pacific disabled, Kaitūhono/Connectors and Directors of the existing EGL sites. A co-design approach was used to ensure equity and reflect the EGL principles and approach.  Contributors included advisors from the National Enabling Good Lives leadership group, Te Ao Mārama, Whānau Ora interface group, Faiva Ora leadership group and the Ministry of Health. Online hui was facilitated by disabled leaders.

It is important to note that there will be many skills in these resources useful for multiple people in various roles. However, it is important to note that the Kaitūhono/Connector role or “independent ally” role is by design distinct and independent from the provision of support services.

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