Toni Burgess

Toni (Antnz) Burgess is an avid adaptive outdoors person and climber, and wants to see more inclusion of adaptive practice.

Antnz and her dog

Toni (aka Antnz) Burgess is a strong believer in challenging perceived boundaries and limitations of people and families with mixed abilities.

She has a passion to see people of mixed ability not only living good lives but thriving and being sufficiently supported in ways to allow individuals, families and communities to thrive.

As an avid adaptive outdoors person and climber, Antnz has a strong interest in seeing both the fitness and outdoors sectors more inclusive of adaptive practice.  Antnz is a committee member of Parafed Manawatu and recently competed in Climbing NZ's first paraclimbing competition after years of lobbying.

Antnz has turned her passion into her work and is currently building a business to work with people of mixed abilities to further access both the fitness and outdoors industries.  Antznz believes education about perceived vs real risk within these industries is key to making them more accessible and she is dedicated to removing the stigma of "disability being increased risk".

Inclusive practice is a term often used in both the disability sector and the Rainbow (GLTIAQetc) community and Antnz would like to ensure that intersectionality needs are met for all people, regardless of their diversity.

Antnz lives in Palmerston North with her partner and assistance dog.  Antnz and Ben can often be seen out and about hitting the pavement training for their next expedition, event or just living life.


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