September update
Sacha O'Dea, Programme Lead System Transformation, explains about the work streams which have been set up for the detailed design, and how you can be involved. -
Work streams - Detailed design
Work is now under way on the detailed design for the transformed disability support system.
The work streams have been set up and we would like your involvement. -
Minister's media release
Disability Issues and Associate Health Minister Nicky Wagner says a hard-working and talented group has produced a high-level design for the transformed disability support system. -
Frequently asked questions
What will system transformation mean for disabled people? The answer to this and other questions can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions. -
Cabinet paper summary June 2017
The new disability support system will feature an information hub, capability funding for disabled people, support to expand networks and a new funding model. -
June 13 workshop
Disabled people felt able to contribute in an equal way to the co-design process and there was a clear vision for moving forward, participants commented at the final workshop
June 7 workshop
The high-level design of the disability support system has been finalised and Minister Nicky Wagner came to meet some members of the co-design group. -
May 30/31 workshop
The co-design group tested, reviewed and refined the high level design of the new disability support system, and found there is more work to do on some fundamental building blocks. -
May 16/17 workshop
Mapping the ideal experience for disabled people and their families/whānau was a focus of the latest workshop to design a transformed disability support system. The group looked at what was needed to deliver that experience.
May 11 workshop
The group tasked with designing a new disability support system identified key challenges which included, but were not limited to, funding, control and choice. Lessons from a review of evidence were also discussed at the fourth workshop.